
Windows How To Change Mac Address

How to change MAC address in Windows 10

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An IP address is not the only thing of import when information technology comes to the network interface and advice. Still, another component chosen MAC address is associated with physical routers and network adapters. Some also chosen this the hardware address of a system. When the organization components are existence manufactured, the company assigns a unique number to the device to be identified at any signal in time. This address is also responsible for establishing communication between two desktop-based computers. The Media Access Control address works equally a data link layer. The hardware component that carries this address is stored in the network menu.

These addresses or identifiers are unique considering they can be recognized in a network that combines many devices. If information technology is piece of cake to identify and constitute contact, and then communication between two systems becomes more than stable and reliable in any state of affairs. This commodity volition exist unlike aspects of MAC addresses and see how nosotros can change it across unlike platforms.

In technical terms, a MAC address is defined as a long address consisting of 48 bits, and it follows a hexadecimal format. This format uses base-16 to identify private numbers of the address. By implementing this method, at that place is no possibility of having two aforementioned MAC addresses because the number of combinations present in forming a 12-digit address is usually in hundreds of trillions. This address is the sublayer of Data-link, can actively participate in the network connections of a device. The standard followed to formulate this address is based on the IEEE potency commission, and they also are responsible for assigning a unique MAC prefix to every registered vendor.

As y'all might know, changing the MAC address in an operating organization may take a lot of reasons and probably your here considering of one of those reasons.

Let's go through some of the reasons for changing the MAC address: blocked by the firewall, network disruption, installing some software'south license which pertains to MAC accost etc.

In guild to change the MAC address in Windows 10, follow the steps below:

  • Open Windows 10 settings and click on Network & Internet

changing MAC address in Windows 10- 1

  • In the Status section select Change adapter options.

changing MAC address in Windows 10- 2

  • In Network Connections page, right click on your wanted interface'due south icon and select Properties.

changing MAC address in Windows 10- 3

  • Click on Configure

changing MAC address in Windows 10- 4

  • At released page select Advanced tab and in Belongings section select Locally Administered Accost, so select the Value radio button and enter new MAC address in the related text box. Then click on OK

changing MAC address in Windows 10- 5

  • Disable the network interface and enable it once again.
  • Open CMD and enter the command below

ipconfig /all

changing MAC address in Windows 10- 6

You lot volition see the new MAC address which was set on your interface.

MAC addresses usually form the aforementioned format and notation to assistance networks interact instantly. The address consists of 12 digits, and while assigning the numbers of prefixes, we follow Colon-Hexadecimal notation. In any MAC address, the first half-dozen digits represent the arrangement that manufactured the device, and it is called OUI. The left side of the accost is given for the manufacturer to assign an OUI number, and the right-manus side of the accost is for representing Network Interface Controller. An organization identifier is mainly to sympathize the origins of the device, and it helps u.s.a. understand its compatibility. Some of the well known IT companies have the following OUIs:

                                                        CC:46:D6- Cisco

3C:5A:B4- Google

                3C:D9:2B- Hewlett Packard

                      00:9A:CD- Huawei Technologies.

Some other notations also include period and hyphen separated, but it is of import to align them with the operating organization. In the case of Linux, it follows colon notation, and Cisco systems use period notation.

Even in-network devices' unique identifiers, there are multiple categories, and each has its specific functions and functionality. 3 principal types of MAC addresses can exist fastened to a network: Unicast, Multicast, and Broadcast.


A unicast MAC accost represents multiple NIC ports present in the network or aimed at only a specific NIC. For the network controller, this is an in-built component and helps but a certain number of ports. When one unmarried port is given a MAC address and transmits the frame to another single destination device, then that type of MAC address is chosen unicast.


In the case of a unicast MAC address, we have seen that the packets are transmitted on an Ethernet network to but fixed receivers. Still, when we come to multicast, the members tin be changed from time to time. Equally they are changing, nosotros need to deploy multiple MAC addresses at the data layer, represented in the most significant octet.


In a style, we can say that broadcast is an extension of multicast MAC address because the frames reach every computer that is associated with that LAN segment. That is why the destination address has all $.25 every bit one. The devices that involve broadcast MAC addresses program to send data to every receiver nowadays in the network.

If you recollect you should change your MAC accost because it follows your online activity and tracks every website you visit, then you are completely mistaken. MAC addresses have certain limitations, and they can never become further than the first router. Your IP address changes every time you connect with the Net, and there is a possibility that data collectors use cookies to target your action, but that is non the instance with MAC addresses. Hither are some of the main reasons you should consider changing your MAC accost:

  • Cyberspace service providers use MAC addresses to identify and cosign, so if your network menu is damaged or not working for an extended period, you lot have to register once more with your Internet service provider. Instead of going through such a deadening procedure, yous can e'er modify your MAC address to your old adapter.
  • Gaining access from a new figurer to your former network is difficult if the MAC address is outside the limits. By changing your MAC address, you can instantly proceeds access from some other machine. Here, the major note point is that no two machines can have the same MAC address.
  • Privacy is something everyone wants, and if you exercise non take proper precautions, a hacker can exploit your MAC address that is visible on the local Ethernet network. It besides doesn't require any advanced software or tools. Hackers tin easily extract and exploit inside a couple of minutes. To avoid hackers and increase privacy for your machine, yous should change your MAC address and end using public WiFi networks.
  • If your MAC address is out in public, anyone can access information technology and impersonate your online identity. It majorly happens when your original automobile goes offline, and yous won't have a clue if something wrong is happening or non.
  • By irresolute the MAC accost, you also receive a new IP address from the DHCP server. The lease provided by this server can concluding for many days, and so you lot can utilise the aforementioned IP every time y'all access the Internet.

Identification comes earlier customization, so you need to know where to detect your MAC address. At present, this changes from one operating system to another, so keep up and follow the steps in the same club.

For Windows

The start pace to finding your MAC address is to open the control prompt, and you do that by inbound "cmd" in the search bar of your windows start button. Once you lot confirm the plan afterwards inbound the key, you will see a black console window. In this window, you can type commands to retrieve addresses. We can get our MAC address by using the control "getmac" and "physical address", and you need to make a note of them to alter the configurations in the default settings.

For Mac Computer

The process in a Mac computer involves the Terminal app. You can notice this application in the utilities or press- command + shift + U.

Once the terminal opens, y'all have to enter the control "networksetup –listallhardwareports", and you will be able to report the total organisation addresses. The code assigned to Ethernet will be your MAC address. In the case of iPhones, it is highlighted in the WiFi settings.

When it comes to irresolute MAC addresses, information technology tin can be done in ii means. The first method is to use network settings located in the command console, and the 2d is done using a registry.

Using Network Settings

When you admission your control panel, you will see a section called "Network and Internet", so if you click on that, y'all will encounter a submenu highlighting some basic information well-nigh your network. Yous should then select "Change adapter settings" to view the details regarding the network card. One time you lot have the network menu window opened up, y'all should select your desired network bill of fare that you want to configure. Select properties, and you will run into many options under the settings. Click on "Configure" to open a window with five tabs. Once you lot have the tabs open, select the advanced option to admission Locally Administered Address (LAA). If you alter your option from the "Non Present" selection to "Value", yous will be immune to enter any 12 graphic symbol strings. Click OK, and your settings will automatically be updated.

Using Registry

Windows users can employ this culling method to change their MAC address by using a registry editor. Once the editor is launched, yous have to gyre down till y'all notice the post-obit entry:


In this entry, you will detect three folders having consecutive numbers, and out of these, 1 will match with your network menu. Select that particular folder and find the NetworkAddress entry. Once you accept the entry, right-click on the folder and select the "Alter" function. You tin then enter your desired MAC address.

Reckoner networking relies on MAC addresses on several occasions, and it is an important element to establish machine-to-machine connections. These addresses also help in switching networks by only forwarding packets to a specific number of ports. Wireless access points also make use of MAC addresses to give access to known devices inside the network. In some other apply-cases, MAC addresses assist DHCP servers to assign fixed IP to some devices. Even though many applications involve this important networking element, one should too consider the risks associated and take proper precautions. Changing your MAC address is the start step in doing it.


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